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Could someone help me in English? where to buy supplies
16.05.2011, 13:28
I really do hope i'm posting on the right forum. i have just relocated to Germany recently, and my German is not good at all yet (but i'm working on it! ). please excuse me...!
Where do you buy silver??? I have been looking desperately for silver suppliers for jewellery making for months and months, either in Berlin or online from a German supplier. and i have not been able to find anything AT ALL with my limited German knowledge.
I used to live in the United States and bought all my supplies from Rio Grande (http://www.riogrande.com) the biggest supplier there. apparently i cannot afford the shipping cost from the US. so, is there a supplier like this here in Germany? the most important is silver/sterling silver wires and findings. so far all i have managed to find online is only some shops that sell small pieces without many options at all (they don't specialise in selling silver).
i hope i'm not going against forum policies by asking this, if i am, i'm sorry! but if anyone can point me to the right direction, i really appreciate. thank you so much!!
Re: Could someone help me in English? where to buy supplies
16.05.2011, 16:45
thanks for the links, Nina!
yes i live in Germany now and i have been looking for German sites. but what's with the last link for Scheideanstalten? i can only see the front page...
Re: Could someone help me in English? where to buy supplies
16.05.2011, 18:10
they haven´t finished their hompage yet
but they are really friendly at the telephone and you could write E-Mails. I don´t know if they use English as businesslanguage. May be there is a friend who can order for you in german, if they don´t understand English?
Re: Could someone help me in English? where to buy supplies
17.05.2011, 13:18
oh great! thank you all for all these suggestions! it's good that some of these sites have English translation options too, but also it's a good opportunity for me to struggle with my dictionary and learn some new words. thanks again!! i'm already having fun browsing what they got.
Re: Could someone help me in English? where to buy supplies
17.05.2011, 16:04
heya littlegirl
lafillette hat geschrieben:...but if anyone can point me to the right direction,...
of cause it's no hard work and it'll be a treat to do so... your native speaking is a kind of slightly distracted. thx 4 got in here, typing that exceptional funny grammar stuff. mb first u better use not scheideanstalten but volkshochschule-training-lessons for gett'n an improved and more credible "inglisch sät wäih"
hugs n blessings from jov arroyo
he'll be back - for advertising promotion's threat(e)ning