lafillette hat geschrieben:
what's wrong with the way i write...? ...
So what, you're US American (English) o.c (!). and I'm no Frenchman
What's wrong-i don't know, mb:
I really do hope [=
I really hope] i'm posting
on [=
in] the right forum. i have just relocated to Germany recently [I am recently retired to ... or
I just have...?], and my German is not good at all yet but i'm working on it! please [ordinarily at the end, please

] excuse me...!
do you buy silver???[=
are you buying (here are more people)]
I have been looking desperately [
I have desperately looked for... or,
i d~ was looking for ... ]for silver suppliers for
jewellery [=Schmuck] making [
jewelry making= Schmuckanfertigung/~herstellung]for months and months, either in Berlin or online from a German supplier. and
i have not been able [it wasn't still possible for me?,
i couldn't find] to find anything AT ALL with my limited [
restricted?]German knowledge.
I used to[when:=
I (just) lived or
up till now I lived] live in the United States and bought all my supplies from Rio Grande [Spam?] the biggest supplier there.
apparently [???do you or you don't?] i cannot afford the shipping cost[+
s] [/color]from the US. so, is there a supplier like this here in Germany? the most important is silver/sterling silver wires and findings. so far all i have managed to find online is only some shops that sell small pieces without many options at all (they don't
specialise [=
specialize] in selling silver).
i hope i'm not going against forum policies by asking this, if i am, i'm sorry! but if anyone can point me
to [
into]the right direction, i really appreciate. thank you so much!! [you're wellcome]
oh great! thank you all for all these suggestions! it's good that some of these sites have English translation options too,
but also it's [=
but it's also] [
a] good opportunity for me to struggle with my dictionary and learn [=
for learning, (learning used lk browsing?)] some new words. thanks again!! i'm already having fun [
I already have fun by?] browsing [s. as learning] what they got.
ah i see! i'll check out the other links, they look [
are looking] quite good. i'll check back to see when they finish their site. it looks promising!
Pls don't mind, if it's no spam, we'll read more of you...