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BeitragVerfasst: 18.05.2011, 15:42 

Registriert: 01.12.2005, 10:17
Beiträge: 330
Wohnort: Düsseldorf
there is nothing wrong!

I Think it was a ironic Joke.

Please everyone leave undone every indefinite comments in other languages, we don´t want undesired Misconceptions. thanks!

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Verfasst: 18.05.2011, 15:42 

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BeitragVerfasst: 18.05.2011, 18:04 
Nina hat geschrieben:
...we don´t want undesired Misconceptions...
UuuuuuuH Yeah!
Endlich mal jemand, die liest! thanks 2
Spam wird von mir ausschließlich mit Ironie oder ähnlichem beantwortet. u.a. weil:

Personnellement je sui atterré de cette publication bouleversante et inappropriée, excusez svp;
moi je suis totalement fou. Ces douleurs sont insupportables,
croyez-moi fillette

i'M bÄd :!:


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BeitragVerfasst: 18.05.2011, 21:58 
lafillette hat geschrieben:
what's wrong with the way i write...? ...
So what, you're US American (English) o.c (!). and I'm no Frenchman :!:
What's wrong-i don't know, mb:
I really do hope [=I really hope] i'm posting on [=in] the right forum. i have just relocated to Germany recently [I am recently retired to ... or I just have...?], and my German is not good at all yet but i'm working on it! please [ordinarily at the end, please ;-) ] excuse me...!
Where do you buy silver???[=are you buying (here are more people)] I have been looking desperately [I have desperately looked for... or, i d~ was looking for ... ]for silver suppliers for jewellery [=Schmuck] making [jewelry making= Schmuckanfertigung/~herstellung]for months and months, either in Berlin or online from a German supplier. and i have not been able [it wasn't still possible for me?, i couldn't find] to find anything AT ALL with my limited [restricted?]German knowledge.

I used to[when:=I (just) lived or up till now I lived] live in the United States and bought all my supplies from Rio Grande [Spam?] the biggest supplier there. apparently [???do you or you don't?] i cannot afford the shipping cost[+s] [/color]from the US. so, is there a supplier like this here in Germany? the most important is silver/sterling silver wires and findings. so far all i have managed to find online is only some shops that sell small pieces without many options at all (they don't specialise [=specialize] in selling silver).
i hope i'm not going against forum policies by asking this, if i am, i'm sorry! but if anyone can point me to [into]the right direction, i really appreciate. thank you so much!! [you're wellcome]
oh great! thank you all for all these suggestions! it's good that some of these sites have English translation options too, but also it's [=but it's also] [a] good opportunity for me to struggle with my dictionary and learn [=for learning, (learning used lk browsing?)] some new words. thanks again!! i'm already having fun [I already have fun by?] browsing [s. as learning] what they got.
ah i see! i'll check out the other links, they look [are looking] quite good. i'll check back to see when they finish their site. it looks promising!

Pls don't mind, if it's no spam, we'll read more of you... ;-)

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BeitragVerfasst: 25.05.2011, 16:22 

Registriert: 16.05.2011, 12:55
Beiträge: 7
hi there,

hmm, i really don't understand what's happening much, but ok, i'll not take it personally (and sure i believe you).

but just to clarify, i'm not American, and i am writing with British English (=thus the British spelling and not American).

i hope i don't come off as insulting or arrogant in any way, but perhaps you are trying to learn English? then i think it's great that you pay attention to others' ways of writing.

i looked over the text above, and i have to say the way i write is just fine. the wordings are just variations of ways to say things. for example in "I really do hope", "do" is used here as an emphasis on the verb. it's not wrong. i can say i made absolutely no grammatical or spelling mistakes anywhere in my posts. but what's important is that we all can communicate, right? details don't matter. ;D

i'm getting ready to make the purchase for my project from the links you guys gave me. thanks again!! well, i'll check back here when i can read and write German someday, obviously. i'll try to make it quick! ;) till then!

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BeitragVerfasst: 25.05.2011, 18:47 

Registriert: 17.04.2008, 14:58
Beiträge: 371
Don't worry about the post by "Dr. Gold".
He's sometimes a little - hmmm...- what... dunno... direct?

Anyway, you are still welcome in this forum and to behonest, I don't care about your English. Some posts in German are of even worse grammar and spelling. My impression is that people think when they write on the web they don't have to give a sh%&$ about grammar and spelling.

Kai Schula

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BeitragVerfasst: 27.05.2011, 13:03 

Registriert: 16.05.2011, 12:55
Beiträge: 7
thank you Schula! :) yea i won't worry about him, no problem! and yep, people are relaxed about spelling etc sometimes, most of the time i don't bother with capital letters myself (as you can see!). ;)

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BeitragVerfasst: 08.09.2011, 11:56 

Registriert: 08.09.2011, 11:34
Beiträge: 1
Hello Lafillette,
I came to your question and this forum just a few days ago via Google as I have been looking for silver supplies as well - like you without much success here in Germany. I am German and I work with wire. Along the street of seeking I came across RioGrande and a lot of US sources as well. I found that there are several suppliers here in Germany, and Scheideanstalten obviously are the common resource but they do not tip at the supplies from the US - unfortunately. RioGrande as well as others have just a bigger range of products.
So if you should return to this Forum and read this reply - I am going to order at RioGrande in the near future. If you are interested we could talk about ordering together.


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